Best & Worst Date Movies of All Time

The most important decision you can make, one that will make or break the date, is the type of movie you choose to go see. Now if you're already in a relationship or married, the rules of film selection are a little different.

The Golden Rule:Do not go to the movies on the first date. I can not stress this enough. The first date is all about getting to know each other and the movie theater is the last place you'll be able to do that.

Benefits Of Online Dating Services

In these past few years the trend in dating from all over the world has changed drastically. Individuals looking to meet people don't choose to line up in queues anymore, to try to get into the hottest places. Seldom will they be seen hanging out in pubs and bars, trying to catch a glimpse of prospective hook-ups.

Nowadays, there's a more modern, and organized approach to this mating ritual. Welcome to the world of online dating. There are a lot of advantages that go with this method.

Now singles can meet and greet each other without leaving the refuge of their homes. Sounds crazy, but now this is the most preferred way individuals, especially young people socialize.

Behind Thebadge: New Jersey Police Officer Forms Single’s Website

An officer employed as a full-time police officer in New Jersey, is rushing to the rescue of single emergency service workers across the country.

Officer Ken Bachman, an eight-year veteran, launched earlier this year. Currently the only dating site on the Web catering exclusively to emergency service workers, is free to users and offers a number of useful features.

Be Warned About Internet Dating

I hear people talking about internet dating all the time. I have a large number of friends and co-workers that are obsessed with finding the right person online. It has almost become comical to me the way a person will go home after work at night and spend their entire evening looking for someone to love online when they live in a city full of great people. Isn't it a bit ironic to stay out of society in order to find the right person in society to spend your life with?

Bad Or Good College Relationships: Control And Define Your Social Behavior Around The Campus

College life could be one of the most challenging parts of everyone’s life where brand new interaction with totally different individuals may seem intimidating at first but will prove a significant step towards making your social and whole outlook in life as flexible and as exciting as possible. This is also the stage of our lives where the start of taking special note of serious matters over gradual transition of our personality development is taking into account. College, in truth, is actually not a lot different from our lives in general but this could be the turning point of our assessment to our wants, goals, or desires in life. The excitement of dorm life, those new items you are going to bring to the college, new college life schedule, fraternity/sorority life, research papers, term papers, essays: these could all together bring fun, frustrations, exhilaration but could be fulfilling at the same time especially if you were able to manage well with harmonious balance with your college academic and social activities.

Bad First Date Ideas And Other Things You Should Avoid Doing

First dates can be really stressful especially when you’re the one planning it. You’d want to make it as simple as the conventional “dinner and a movie” setting but this is often considered a bad first date idea. You may feel uncomfortable sitting in front of your date while eating because you’ll be conscious with the way you chew your food, the way you speak, the way you sit, and anything else in between. Letting out a big smile might show some of the food stuck between your teeth or while talking, huge saliva might spray from your mouth. These scenarios are major turn-offs. First dates are supposed to be about first impressions due to the fact that this may determine if there is a possibility of a second date.

Bad Date Survival Tips

Occasionally, a bad date happens to one person at a certain point in his or her life. One should do some assessment before writing off the person for life. No sparks at all? Too nervous to open any topic? Is he or she being rude? Here are some things that you can do.

How to deal with a bad date? Or when you are the one who's about to make it bad...

Awesome Experience at Free Dating Sites

Free dating is quite amazing and it offers you a wonderful sensation. I can’t really describe how exciting it is to meet tones of beautiful women everyday for nothing on free dating sites. I mean this is something you just can’t say no to, right? Well, I just a die-hard member of these dating sites. Anyways, today I turned 24 and I’m spending this special day work…lol. Actually, I’m trying to spend it a bit differently. So before I began writing this one, I was on a free dating site looking at the women I can message. Free dating sites are something I swear by, cause they allow me to meet new people everyday and expand my world. I’m it’s so exciting to meet new people, befriend them, talk to them and share you experience with them. Well, I must admit that I’m kind crazy about these free dating sites. They give me an awesome opportunity to explore my world that I could never do otherwise.

Avoiding The Dangers Associated With Internet Dating

Internet dating offers individuals, couples and groups an opportunity to meet online with the possibility of developing a romantic or sexual relationship. Most Internet dating services provide unmoderated matchmaking, allowing users to make their own connections via e-mail or telephone.

These services allow users to browse potential dates using criteria such as age, gender and location. Almost all internet dating sites allow their members to upload photos of themselves which can be viewed by other members. Some sites also offer podcasts, online chat and message boards. Most internet dating sites allow free registration as part of their trial service in order to attract new users. Afterward the trial period is up, a monthly fee is charged.

Avoid Cyber Stalking-Netiquette For Rejecting Profiles

Dating services online can be a fun place to meet new people, but because of the anonymity involved with dating online, you run a certain risk that the person you are striking up a conversation with isn't exactly who they say they are. Breaking off an online romance or even simply rejecting a profile emailed through an online dating service can be tricky if you don't do it with some finesse.

Cyber stalking is defined as unwanted contact or threats via email or instant messaging. Cyber stalkers can be relentless, sending mean and inappropriate emails so many times in one day that you no longer look forward to checking your email. They can also send pornographic material or even viruses disguised as apologies (Which you are more likely to open.)

Does Boob Size Matters?

Does boob size really matter? It's a debate I have had with my girlfriends for years. The grass is often greener on the other side, and so women continually exchange reasons why it is enviable to have either larger or smaller boobs. But are there any significant medical differences between having large or small boobs?
First, it's important to understand a little anatomy of the boob. Boob size is dictated more by the amount of fatty and fibrous tissue than the amount of milk-producing glands. This is important when thinking about size and its relationship to boob milk production and risk of boob cancer.

Attracting and Seducing Women: How to Use 'Option Limitation' to Maximise Your Success

Getting girls to feel an attraction for you - that isn't simply based on your looks, the contents of your wallet or the car you've got parked outside - can be really tricky.

After all, how are men supposed to know what each girl's looking for without asking?

If you DID ask, you know your chances would be small, after all, no girl wants a guy approaching her with needy questions - she wants a confident man who somehow seems to know what she's after and can give it to her.

Attention – Do Not Fail For Dating Scams

In our days, dating frauds are becoming more common. That's why it is better to know from the beginning how to protect yourself from fraud when using Internet personals and dating agencies. Many people try online dating in order to find a partner, but many of them don't know that online dating has also risks, such as dating scams.

Asian Playboy : Social Circle Pick Up - Wing Rules

Let’s talk about Social Circle Pick Up for a second.This isn’t particularly addressed in PUAdom because, for real, a lot of PUAs (Pick Up Artists) don’t pursue active social lives, instead concentrating on improving their Game and occasionally hitting the fool’s mate, one night stand and/or f*ck buddy.

And, of course, if one has read Neil’s “The Game”, you can see how f*cked up you can get without pursuits beyond the Game, having regular friends you can chill with and what not. The rules are very similar to typical wing rules, except it’s your wing- the guy who knows the social circle and has intro’ed you to his friends- who’s calling the shot.

Asian Dating - Respect and Honour

Honour and respect are two of the most important elements in Asian culture, and they shouldn't be overlooked when it comes to dating. For instance, traditionally, Asian women are taught at a young age to know their place around men, treat them with respect and accommodate them, while men are taught to protect and provide for the women. Although these traditions have become a faded practice in Western culture, respect still plays an important role in the Asian dating scene.

Are You Stuck in an Emotional Puzzle?

I’ve been dating Tina, my girlfriend, for about three years. She’s the only person I’ve shared a long-term relationship with, and I simply love her from the core of my heart. But, the only thing that scares me is that I might be losing interest in her.

Bad Boys vs. Nice Guys: Which Do You Prefer?

Let us go straight to the point to all these small talks and focus on the question that slices into the very hub of man’s survival.

Bad boys or nice guys?

This is truly a matter of personality choice. Each has its own crowd of admirers, where every woman is ready to defend their dearly beloved partners.

Are You Looking To Find The Ideal Dating Service?

Spring is exactly the right time to think about dating again.

Spring is the time for starting something fresh; dusting yourself down and making a new start. If you’re serious about having fun this year, and maybe being part of a serious relationship by this time next year, then you need to start looking for some new dates.

Where better to look than an online dating service? An increasing number of people are going online in an effort to find a date, and most of them are being rewarded with a wide range of people to choose from. What’s more, the numbers of serious, long-term relationships that have developed from online dating services are growing too, which is another reason why you should get online today.

Are you interested in alternative dating?

The great thing about dating in this day and age is the versatility and availability of methods to seek out your preferred type of person or activity. Dating can be confusing and frustrating, no matter what your situation. Here are some alternative dating ideas that may appeal to people who don't want to go down the traditional route of seeking a mate.

Singles bars have been around for a long time, and though they may not appeal to everyone they are ideal because everyone has the same goal in mind.  You're all in the same boat, and it may not be subtle but it certainly is straightforward. 

Are you in love?

So you think that you are in love. Are you sure? How? Why do you think that you are in love? Why do you think that it is not temporary attraction? Why do you think that you both are destined to grow old together? Let us try and find out.

Do you feel happy with your beloved? Do you feel that if you both were left alone on an island for seven days, you would enjoy it? Or you will get bored? How about your self esteem? Does your beloved make you feel good about yourself? Is his/her focus on your good qualities or sometimes faults? What about you? Are you looking for some signs of weaknesses in certain areas, or are contented and satisfied with the whole package?

Are You In Cyberlove?

Cyberlove. Millions of singles worldwide are enjoying this fairly new phenomena. Online dating services are connecting singles worldwide on a daily basis, and it seems a growing trend that a lot of offline singles are missing out on.

Joining an online dating service is a very straight forward exercise. The most difficult part would be choosing your dating service. With so many available, and so many categories, choosing the right one can be the difference of being in cyberlove or cyberlust.

10 Simple Rules for Online Dating Success

In theory, online dating is the ideal way to meet your 'perfect match', yet a surprisingly small percentage of members are actually successful in finding what they seek online. There are, however, some simple guidelines, which if implemented, will greatly increase your chances of success in the online dating arena.

1. Firstly, it is important that you choose the ideal dating website to suit your particular interest. There are now many niche areas in online dating, for example or and you should use the search engines to find a selection of dating websites where you consider you are most likely to find your ideal date.

Places to Meet Women to Date

Meeting women that you would actually want to date and, maybe eventually, bring home to meet mom and dad, isn’t as hard as it sounds. There is, of course, the singles scene out in the bars and clubs all over town but I don’t recommend that one. It’s not that just bad girls go to bars; it’s that it is hard to tell the good ones from the bad one.

You meet women at work, too, but, there again, I don’t recommend dating them. The problem with that is that, if things don’t work out, you will still have to work together and the situation could be awkward to say the least.

10 Tips To Online Dating

Years ago, the grocery store was the best place to meet a potential new love interest. Today, online dating is quickly becoming the singles hot spot with individuals around the world looking to meet someone new. Photo profiles that detail personal information is becoming the norm in online dating and gives individuals an opportunity to see what a potential mate looks like on paper before taking the next step.

If you are considering online dating, there are a few tips that can help make the experience a more enjoyable and successful one.

Know What to Look for in a Woman

Sometimes, knowing what you’re looking for in a woman can be quite difficult. And if you’re one of them, don’t get discouraged. It truly isn’t as difficult as you may think to find the right woman for you.

The very first thing you must do is resign to be very open-minded. You need to cast aside all the standards that you may have been using and start from scratch.  Forget what all your buddies say is attractive. Never mind what you see in the lingerie commercials on television. You’ll want to start with the very basics of what makes two people compatible, not two lovers, but two people in general, in order to find what kind of person works for you.

Establishing Online Dating Relationships: Safety First

Online dating can be fun. But don’t neglect safety and common sense when you try to hook up with a mate. At minimum, take caution in the following areas.

Protect Your Computer

Take care of your equipment and systems before you head out into the Internet realm. You need to have a firewall and anti-virus protection for your email and for when you search websites and interact online. 

After The First Date

The time after the first date can be a very emotional experience. The excitement of what to do next can be racing through someone’s mind. These emotions are magnified even further if the date was a success. This however is a time to slow down and play it cool. The last thing anyone wants to do is scare of a potential Mr or Mrs right.

There are many excited singles longing to reach for the phone at the first opportunity. Getting to know someone doesn’t need to be achieved within a few days, it’s a process that needs to take time. The relationship needs space to breath. A day or two after the first date is a perfect time to collect thoughts, and as they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

African Dating - Pride and Ambition

It is no secret that African culture is known for its pride. Most Africans do not have a problem standing up for their beliefs and causes, and are often ambitious when it comes to obtaining specific goals. That being the case, if you are of African descent and are seeking a relationship with someone of your ethnic background, you probably already have an idea of the type of man or woman you are looking for.

When it comes to finding the African man or woman of your dreams, there are many options awaiting you if you hook up with the right community. You can find the ideal connection you are aspiring for, by getting to know others who share your same ambitions and dreams.

13 Types of Girls you should Avoid

In general, men are looking first for physical attraction at a woman. Many of them consider that if she is beautiful and well dressed, its the perfect partner they are looking for. But they don't know that behind this appearance its hiding something worst.

Maybe this happened to you too. After you began a relationship with her you found out that she is not exactly what you want and what you expect. She hurt you and dumped you when you last expected. Many men are chasing after a woman who lied them and used them. But, in order to stop this, you should know from the beginning which types of girls you should avoid for to not be hurt again.

10 Tips for a Successful First Date

Here's some tips for going on a first date to help you make sure that you're taking your relationship where you want it to go.

1. Take her somewhere that you go often.
You'll give yourself a lot of credibility and value if you take her to place where everyone knows you. Stop and chat with the staff there. Learn their names and make sure they know yours. It only says good things about you. If you don't have a place like this yet, make one.

10 Good Reasons for Sugar Daddy Dating

A growing percentage of females openly admit to prefering the company of an older guy on a date, rather than same age or younger. The present day Sugar Daddy is a far cry from his 20th Century counterpart, who would be more inclined to keep such a relationship totally private, enjoying clandestine meetings at secretive venues. Today, an older guy will display his younger partner openly, publicly and with pride.

Here are ten good reasons why sugar daddy dating is becoming more and more popular within the online dating arena. The comparisons are based on age difference relationships with long term in mind.

10 Golden Rules For Successful Online Dating

As everyone knows, the favourite method of mating and dating for singletons the world over is to join an online dating site. But what most people don't realise is that only around 10% of dating site members actually meet a long-term partner on their chosen site and a whopping 70% don't even receive one message from another member. If you follow the 10 simple steps outlined below, you too can join the 10% who find love and romance on line.

9 Stupid Mistakes to Avoid While Dating Online – For Guys

Internet online dating takes patience and practice.  Just because you are seated at your own computer doesn't mean that people will come to chat with you for no reason. Even in this medium of Internet dating, you must take the initiative and actively seek to contact those you like.

But even if you contact some people or they contact you, there are some incredibly stupid things guys are doing on Internet dating and singles sites ad than complain that all women are ignoring them.

Women are searching men which know to make them feel good and have great time with. They are looking for someone intelligent, someone who listens, a man with a good sense of humor, a well-rounded person with a positive attitude.

9 Secrets to Get a Date After One Hour and 15 Minutes of Flirting Online!

If you are trying  to pick up women online and just can't get at least one date a week you certainly need a little help. Just read this article and  start using these online flirting success tips and they will help you to get that first date much faster.

You don't want to spend too much time online because you really can't feel the chemistry until the first “real world” date. However, you can get the women you're talking to to be  interested in you and set her “on fire” just to get to know you better.

9 Regrets in Dating

We all have committed mistakes in our dating lives or our relationships. Some we have lived to regret. Through some research here are the most common regrets of dating people or people in a relationship.

1. Most people regret not settling down with their childhood sweetheart or 1st love at college. They always believe that there will be more fish out there so why settle down? There might be more fish out there but do they actually fit your taste and personality. Compared to that proven fish that you have already established with your childhood sweetheart or 1st college love. Some people who didn’t marry their childhood sweetheart will only think that they have settled for 2nd best only. This will be unfair to the other party, because you will always be thinking about that 1st love.

8 Types Of Women To Avoid Dating

A recent survey revealed that fifty two percent of men date for intimacy. Men are looking for that “someone” to get romantically involved with and a potential mate for life.

There are women that a man should avoid dating. Here are signs to watch out for:

Building Your Confidence in Dating Women

When it comes to dating (or even seducing) a woman, confidence is vital. Women often equate “self confidence” with the ability to be successful. While many men believe that women look for successful men because they’re likely to make more money, that’s simply not true.

While it’s a given, women actually look for successful men because they’re more likely to be satisfied. So you may be wondering what a man being satisfied has to do with anything. Let me explain. You see, women know that men who are satisfied with themselves are less likely to go out looking for someone to satisfy them and are more stable.

8 Rules for a Successful Date

Dating is a necessary part of finding the perfect match for you. Its a selection process, that needs to be followed with some type of an idea of how to handle yourself.

The easiest way to meet women is to be approachable and make new friends. This way you will meet more people and some of them might have female friends they will set you up with. You will be exposed to new places and activities, which might lead to meeting women.

8 Quick Ways to Relax Before a Big Date

So you haven't been out on a date in awhile and you're nervous that you'll do or say the wrong thing.  Or perhaps your last date was such a disaster that it should have had a rating 5 on the weather channel.  Getting nervous before a date is understandable.  Will they be attracted to you?  Are you both on the same wavelength?  Will you be able to control your mouth from saying something your brain knows is stupid? 

Mistakes usually occur when stress levels are high.  And lets face it dating is a stressful endeavour.  The best thing you can do before a date is…relax…I know that is easier said than done but here are 8 easy ways to chillout before your dates arrives so that you actually have a good time on your date without any jittery mis-steps. 

8 Dating Rules For Single Dads

The problem with recently divorced single parents is that are waiting too long to start dating again, complaining they are oh, so busy. The real reason is their fears, because their previous situation was usually so ugly, they don't have a strong enough ego to let rejections roll off their back.

Even if they are starting to date, in most cases are doing this for the wrong reasons. Some single parents think they are in competition with their ex, particularly if they were left for a younger partner. They also might be playing a game to prove to the ex that they are desirable by dating as many people as possible. In a nutshell, don't date for emotional revenge, to allay feelings of loneliness or to prove your desirability to others.

7 Tips For Dating Older Woman

Men are interested in dating older women because they are more experienced and more capable of handling relationships smoothly. Older women are more mature, financially independent, and good lovers.

Younger men have been attracted to older women for a long time. This happens because older women are mature, know what expect from life, and do not care about what ‘neighbors say’.  If in the past this was a big shame, today these couples are not keeping in secret anymore their relationship.

Dating older woman can be a nice and exciting experience. If you are a person interested in dating older woman, you must think before because there are good parts and bad parts.

7 Signs that She is a Fraud

If you are looking for love and marriage abroad, it is very simple to get it right, believe me! There are thousands of honest, sincere women who will be genuinely interested in YOU!

But after you are meeting a nice girl that seems to be right for you make sure the person you are talking to is FOR REAL.

Frankly, looking for a partner abroad is not any different than any other search - search for a house, a second-hand car, or whatsoever, in one simple yet important detail: there will always be people that will try to take advantage of you.

7 Questions You Have to Ask Before Jumping on the Plane to Meet Her

You have met your true love online. Is she for real?

The entire world is desperate to find the real love. As the popular songs sounds, 'All You Need is Love'. It is true: to love and to be loved is probably the most important thing in our life. But what to do if you are not sure - is it Love with a capital "L" or just another temporary flirt?

Doubting if the person you are with is the right one for you is a normal thing especially if you have meet that person through online dating sites and you never have meet her face to face.

7 Funny Replies That Work Online!

If you have spend some time talking online, you know there are some question that women ask you all the time. How to answer to these question to make sure that you are getting her attention and interest? Just try using next lines:

6 Tips For Safe Online Dating

There is no doubt that online dating can put you in touch with some great people and you may just end up finding your Prince Charming or Dream Girl as the case may be. However, online dating is not without its risks. This is why I have put together these online dating safety tips which will help you to have a fun experience, while keeping yourself out of harms way.

How to be Romantic

What is it exactly that makes a woman see a man as romantic? Most of the time it's the little things that women notice. A glance, a quick touch or brush across her back. Sure, flowers are nice, but haven't they almost become a cliché. That's not to say women don't like flowers because they do, but if that's all you've got then it will only go so far. You have to mix it up, change your style and use your imagination to create romantic moments.

Where to Go on Your First Date

That is an age-old question. Cave men had it made. They firmly believed in kidnapping and taking their date to a filthy cave out in the middle of nowhere. Those were what was known as the good old days. Now days first date destinations and plans are a little trickier. First let’s cover where NOT to go on a first date.

The old standby of dinner and a movie is a really poor choice for a first date. How will you get to know the lady if you are sitting in a darkened theater with a movie being shown? If you choose the movie, there is probably going to be a lot of frantic car chases and a lot of blood involved. Neither are conducive to creating a memorable evening.

Also, don’t take your date to your parent’s house! She will know right away that you are a mama’s boy and you will never see her again.

What to Talk About on a Date

I’m sure you want your date to have fun and you want to have fun, too! You want to ensure that the conversation is interesting and stimulating to both of you.

Body language always speaks first in any conversation. When you are confident your body relaxes, becomes more open, you lean in, you smile, and you become more animated. When you are tense or not at ease with yourself, you will be sitting back, crossing your legs, maybe your arms, your mouth will barely break a smile, and your eyes will be searching elsewhere in the room. Knowing this will allow you to convey confidence with your body language.

The Art of Seducing a Woman

Understanding what a woman is looking for in a man is the first secret to seducing a woman. For many men, the concept of how to seduce a woman is simply a mystery. It’s understandable, though. Men and women differ in so many ways that it’s difficult for many of us to really grasp how to get inside the mind of the opposite sex.

The true key to seducing a woman isn’t a mere laundry list to check off, step by step. It’s more a guidebook on the path you must follow to completely seduce a woman, mind, body and soul. And believe it or not, what really gets a woman going is much simpler than you may have ever imagined.

6 Tips for NOT dating Russian women

Look around the (online dating) web and you will notice that the online dating scene is a lot focused on single Russian women and other East European women. The reason that in particular women from these countries are looking for a foreign partner is generally known, but will not be discussed in this article. But I do like to give you some tips when you must NOT dating or contacting Russian women.

52 Free Things To Do With Your Partner On Date Night

One of the things that works to keep relationships alive is spending quality time with each other. In this day of the information age, it is becoming increasingly difficult to carve out the necessary time to nurture our relationships. What with long work hours, helping kids with their homework, transporting them around to their extracurricular activities, getting dinner, cleaning up and going through the bedtime routine, what time is left?

Unless you orchestrate the time for your relationship, other less important things will crowd in and take what precious little time you do have. Pick a night that will be “date night” with your partner and make a game out of being as creative as you can be. Try to see how many things you can do without spending money.

5 Tips for getting Dozens of Dates Online

Are you tired of not getting any dates?  The club and bar scene has dried up and isn’t the best place to meet women.  People have the tendency to lie and drink too much in clubs.  Make no mistake about it, right now online dating is where the dating world is.  Meeting dates online have a lot of benefits.

•    It’s easy practice, even if you are shy

•    Instead of being judged by your looks, you will judged by your profile and personality

•    If you meet someone who is annoying, you can just log off

5 Reasons Not to Read Online Dating Advice

What a strange title for an article, I write online dating advice so why would I encourage people not to read it?

Clearly I believe there is some good dating advice on the internet or I wouldn't waste my time writing dating advice and tips but I want people to think about what they are reading and who the author is before they take anything they read as gospel.

Here are 5 things to carefully consider before you take the advice of dating "experts".

5 Massive Reasons To Date Online!

“Divorced, Split up, Single?
 Five Massive Reasons Why
 You Should Be Dating Online!”

Announcing five massive reasons why single men should use online dating!

How to meet more women than you could possible have time to date.

Let’s look at the reasons…

5 Magic Tricks to Attract a Romanian Woman

So many men have asked me to share some secrets on how to attract a Romanian woman.

A long term relationship with a Romanian woman is a very rewarding experience (if you're with the right person) and will lead you to a level of satisfaction like you have never experienced before.

When selecting a Romanian woman for an LTR you should keep one thing in mind - BE PICKY!!! Settle for nothing less than the best.

5 Great Tips On How To Get Girls

Among the many emotions that man was destined to experience, it seems that love is the best emotions ever created.

No wonder why many people are wishing to find their own true love to be happy and live a life that is full of contentment and satisfactions in spite of the many trials that life has to offer.

According to some surveys, most of the people would want to marry some day, that is why each of them are willing to go out on dates. In the U.S. alone, nearly 53% said that they have dated more than one person at the same time.

4 Unique Ways to Get Out of The Doghouse with Your Girlfriend

1. Hire a Mariachi Band or Local Acapella Group to Serenade Her

Unless she truly hates you, this will surely put a smile on her face and have her inviting you back into her comfort zone again.

Be sure to pick a humorous or joyful song; go for a sense of fun, not desperation.

2. Pay a Homeless Guy $5 to Hold Up a Sign for Her

If you live in a major metropolitan area, chances are you and your girlfriend regularly walk by homeless people.

They would love to have $1, let alone $5.  Find a homeless person along the route she usually walks on her way to work.

4 Steps to Help Heal a Broken Heart

Heartbreak is a pain like any other. It is an emotional pain so bottomless that it can feel like a physical blow. When you have a pain like this one, all you want is for the deep ache to go away. As much as I’d like to advise differently, there is no band aid for a broken heart. Though it sounds cliché, time is the remedy needed for you to truly heal from such a deep, wrenching pain. In time, this pain will go away. Between now and then, however, following a few basic tips might be able to make the difference in how you are feeling.

Find Out As Much As You Can From Your Date

Getting to know that special woman is about the time you spend with her, and about what you get from communication, both verbal and physical. And the more you know, the better your chances. Thus if you plan to keep your relationship moving forward, you are going to have to find out as much as you can about her.

After all, the last thing you want to do is to upset her. That's a surefire way to kill your chances for romance. First, make sure you give her a chance not only to speak, but to start conversations as well. There is really no better way to get to know her than through the interaction you'll have with her in conversation. What you learn through all of this communication will serve as a great starting point, from which you can move on to the following suggestions to fill in any blanks in your knowledge of her.

4 Rules to Transform an Long Distance Love on the Internet into an Normal Relationship

Let's suppose that you are meeting someone online and that person seem to be the mach of your life, but is living far away from you. Does it worth to spend your time to a long distance relationship with this person? But, what if this person is realy your soulmate?

You may be surprised how much a relationship can grow if you work at it. If you know and aply some simple rules, your relationship can turn out to be one of the most successful and happy relationships that ever existed.

4 Questions to Ask Before You Say "I Do"

"How do you know when you've met the right one?”
Almost everyone asks this question at some point in their lives; unfortunately, there are not too many who get a concrete answer.  But if you're reading this article, then you're one of the lucky few.

Interestingly, the criteria for choosing a spouse can be reduced to just four key characteristics.  If you can find somebody with all four then it's highly likely that you've found your life partner.

360 Degree Feedback – Lay it on the Line

The most successful businesses make it a regular part of conducting business by asking their customers and suppliers for feedback.  They want to know how they can improve both their products and services.  They want their customers to find it a pleasure to work with them.  They have a goal of ‘delighting’ their customers.  The only way they can do this is by asking for direct input.  The encourage complaints.

You should do this too.  Ask your friends for feedback about you.  Are you boastful?  Are you fun?  Are you shy?  Are you easy to get along with?  This isn’t about finding our flaws or bashing your ego.  This is getting a good look at who you are.  I’ve already discussed taking your inventory to get a better look at yourself.  Now, it’s time to bring in others to help you.

3 Tricks When Talking on the Phone with a Woman You Have Met Online

You have met an interesting woman online. You two had a great time chatting online and she decided to give you her phone number. Now you have to make her want to see you face to face, and the phone is your only tool.

The first telephone call is the most important one. Sure you have her number, but nothing has been won yet.

1. Before you call you should have prepared a list of several topics to talk about. Hopefully your email exchange has provided you with some information to follow up on. Study her profile to think of other topics to talk about. Prepare open ended questions. Start talking about a subject, and give her a chance to speak as well.

3 Things That Can Save You When You Don’t Know What To Say

You are dating a beautiful but a shy girl or one that is not a talkie. You have already talked about your hobbies, your families and your jobs and nothing else come into your mind and she is not really helping you (that’s what you believe).

One of the best ways of having a good, healthy and wholesome chat with your girlfriend is to start with small talk. The small talk will give you a general picture about her likes and dislikes, as well as what she would like to discuss and what she would rather leave alone. Once the small talk gives you a general idea, you can go ahead and discuss your common likes and dislikes.

Paying More Attention to Your Woman

Communication is such an important factor in all relationships, business and personal alike, that it should come as no surprise that we need to discuss it here as well. What is communication, after all? It is the two-way interaction that occurs, both verbally and non-verbally. What is said with actions is as important, if not more so, than what is said with words. But here we're going to focus our attention on the importance of verbal communication and what it will mean for your relationship. Keep in mind that when I talk about how things affect your relationship, I'm mainly concerned with your success in the realm of seduction.

Communication with words is something we all do on a daily basis. But, just like when you're asked to give an impromptu speech, being asked to communicate in a particular situation just makes many of you cringe, lock up, and find yourself at a loss for words. Why? Mainly because when you have to think about what to say, you suddenly become concerned about what you're saying. But if you just let it happen without any expectations, somehow everything works out a whole lot better.

3 Situations You HAVE To Lie To Your Woman

It's no surprise that both genders rely on lying to some extent. They just do it differently and sometimes for different reasons.

All humans, especially women say they want their partner to be honest. Is this the truth? Can you keep a relationship up and running if you are telling the truth all the time?

Imagine that you just have brought your girlfriend at your home, to spend the night together for the first time. You have made a great effort to arrange and clean your home and especially the bedroom. You are proud about this and ask your partner what she believes about your home.

3 Reasons Why Inner Game Will Help Your Love Life

Have you ever had great success in one venue, maybe house parties, but were unable to succeed with women you met other places, like perhaps Clubs?

Often it is easier for you to be cool and social in one venue than another. This is your `comfort zone`. You know what to say, how to say it, and who to say it too. But outside of that zone, you are toast! This is because we often use certain external techniques and social skills that do not really apply to every venue we might find ourselves in. When you have deep set beliefs that you are a high status male, and that no matter where you are, that you are among the elite males, then all these anxieties and problems fall away.

Setting the Mood with Your Date

Nothing makes for a more romantic gesture than one that is made purely for the sake of romance itself. When it comes to seducing a woman if you want to make a really great impression on us then you’ll want to pull out all the stops and create a romantic date without waiting for a special occasion. Not to mention there’s no rule that says you have to wait for a certain day or time.

This particular tip requires knowing a bit about your lady and what she likes and doesn’t like. But you don’t have to know her like the back of your hand in order to make a truly romantic evening for the two of you to share. The most important thing is to consider what you know she finds romantic and then do your best to create that for her. The very fact that you thought of her and wanted to romance her out of the blue will really impress her and make her feel truly special.

Many of these suggestions would take relatively little time for preparation. Remember, it’s sometimes the smallest gesture that will really make a woman feel special. The first romantic setting is a candlelit picnic in a park or other quiet location. This is sure to make your lady feel special. There’s no special occasion needed. This is also easy to put together with a bottle of wine, some cheese, strawberries, whatever the two of you like.

3 Categories Women Put You In Before You Meet

When approaching women, even before you have said a word or done anything she has already unconsciously put you into one of three categories:

I Like Him

I Don't Like Him


Now that you are aware of the three different categories lets go over each ones strengths and weaknesses for you.

1st Time Meeting After Chatting Online

Technology has always been there to make lives of people easier. In fact, thanks to technology the world of emotions has also been conquered. Don’t try to think dirty here folks. What I’m talking about is the love connection that can happen through online dating sites and chatting rooms or software such as ICQ, MSN or MIRC.

Thanks to these websites and chat software people have been given a better chance to find their partner. This is because people are given the chance to be connected wherever they might be. All different cultures and walks of life are able to meet with a simple click of the keyboard. In short a person has got a better chance to meet his or her partner because of the greater number of daters. It is also easier to meet people online thanks to online date sites and chat rooms.

17 Tips to Write a Killer Personal Ad

Online dating websites offer the easier and quicker way for single guys to meet women. The use of online personal ads to get the audience you desire is quite different that picking up a girl in the real life situations. When you meet her at a bar, party or disco it might be difficult for you to approach her, you may feel embarrassed, but with online dating, it is easier and less stressful.

Therefore, you have made up your mind to put a personal ad, but you are getting none or few responses to your request and no girl is approaching you. Remember that you have to attract women with your online ad. These days very sophisticated personal ads are appearing in top quality dating sites.

How to be Sensitive with Women

If you are hoping to be successful in the world of seduction, you're going to have to know how to be sensitive. When a woman looks at a man, from her unique perspective, one of the key things she sees is how sensitive you are. It can truly be a pass or fail characteristic. If the lady in your life doesn't see a sensitive side, she's going to be put off. Personality counts for so much, especially if you're hoping to go further with a relationship.

To begin with, it's important to understand just what sensitivity is. Sensitivity, or being sensitive, is just one of those things that's gotten such a bad rap as to make it virtually a taboo. But false impressions are to blame for that, and we can dismiss such misconceptions here so we can get on with the business of becoming a more sensitive man. But what sensitivity really is, in truth, is responsiveness to things around you. It's a general sense of what's going on.

100 Questions to Ask Your Valentine

Looking to get to know your valentine date better? Running out of things to talk to your sweetie about? First date jitters and don’t know what to talk about? Well, here are 100 questions that can break the ice and get a conversation going. The most important thing is to have fun! You might be surprised by what you learn about the other person. Don’t force anyone to answer a question they don’t want to and don’t pry deeper if they are not willing to talk about a certain subject.

Your Attitude Counts

When it comes to seducing a woman, attitude plays a very big role in how successful, or unsuccessful you are. If you have a positive attitude you’re more likely to attract women more easily than a guy with a negative attitude. Being positive and upbeat shows in nearly everything you do, as does being negative and glum. Women are much more likely to choose the positive, upbeat guys.

First, a positive attitude reflects confidence and self-respect. As we already discussed, confidence and self-respect are vital. A positive attitude also directly affects how other people feel when they’re around you. For example, have you ever had a friend or co-worker who was always down or pessimistic? If you have, did you notice that after a while his or her mood started making you feel down or uncomfortable or irritable? Chances are it’s happened to all of us. So remember, if for no other reason than to not be a dark cloud hanging over everyone’s head, try your best to be positive and have a good attitude.

100% Free Online Dating

With over 700 online dating sites in the United States alone and new sites cropping up weekly, it can be difficult to choose the right site totally free online dating site for you. The vast choices available can be overwhelming. Totally free online dating site comes a dime a dozen. Choosing a totally free online dating site could sometimes be confusing. Totally free online dating site lets you try the free dating services before making a financial commitment. Totally free online dating lets you try out some of the numerous dating sites in order to know which one offers the best opportunity for you to meet people.

There are innumerable advantages in using totally free online dating site on the Internet. First is the convenience. Totally free online dating site offers the world of dating at your fingertips. The freedom of totally free online dating site is that you can post a profile, browse members of a website and often receive emails at absolutely no cost. Some sites may require you to only pay the free online dating site when you want to write back to someone or initiate first contact. This means you never have to join a totally free online dating site that doesn’t meet your own standards.

10 Tips To Online Dating

Years ago, the grocery store was the best place to meet a potential new love interest. Today, online dating is quickly becoming the singles hot spot with individuals around the world looking to meet someone new. Photo profiles that detail personal information is becoming the norm in online dating and gives individuals an opportunity to see what a potential mate looks like on paper before taking the next step.

If you are considering online dating, there are a few tips that can help make the experience a more enjoyable and successful one.

Online Dating Tip # 1
Find someone who shares your common interest, life goals and family preferences. It is important to share some of the same hopes in order for a relationship to be worthwhile.

10 Dating Safety Tips For Online And Off

Still looking for a special someone? Just be sure to keep yourself safe. Here are ten ways to find love for your heart but keep your personal protection on your mind.

1. Watch out for someone who seems too good to be true. Begin by communicating solely by email, then look for odd behavior or inconsistencies. The person at the other end may not be who or what he says he is. Trust your instincts. If anything makes you uncomfortable, walk away for your safety and protection.

Waiting to Meet Ms. Perfect?

It must be really tough. Do you think you are just a victim of bad luck and that’s the reason Ms. Perfect hasn’t appeared in your life yet? Or have you decided that maybe Ms. Perfect only exists on movie screens and not out here in the real world? BINGO! You’ve got it. She doesn’t exist anywhere except in your imagination and on movie screens.

Don’t Judge a Woman by Her Looks!

I know this tip may sound very cliché, but it’s true. At some point or another we’re all guilty of judging something, or someone, based on appearance alone. While it’s not right, we still seem to have that tendency to be superficial. This type of behavior can be very detrimental when it comes to seducing a woman. Women like to be appreciated for who they are, not what they look like. Even those women who have great physical beauty don’t necessarily want to be judged on that characteristic alone.

Women keep the thought in the back of their mind that one day they may want to have a child. If and when they become pregnant, look at all the changes their body goes through. The mere fact that their body has to expand at a very rapid pace to accommodate the growth of the baby is frightening. And the knowledge that their figure may never be the same is equally frightening.

10 Tips for a Successful First Date

Here's some tips for going on a first date to help you make sure that you're taking your relationship where you want it to go.

 1. Take her somewhere that you go often. You'll give yourself a lot of credibility and value if you take her to place where everyone knows you. Stop and chat with the staff there. Learn their names and make sure they know yours. It only says good things about you. If you don't have a place like this yet, make one.

2. Take her to an interesting restaurant. It's a lot more fun to go eat sushi or some type of authentic ethnic food than just going to a more common restaurant. You don't want it too be so interesting that there's always something crazy going on and you can't talk to her. Just make sure it is a little different.

10 Simple Rules for Online Dating Success

In theory, online dating is the ideal way to meet your 'perfect match', yet a surprisingly small percentage of members are actually successful in finding what they seek online. There are, however, some simple guidelines, which if implemented, will greatly increase your chances of success in the online dating arena.

1. Firstly, it is important that you choose the ideal dating website to suit your particular interest. There are now many niche areas in online dating, for example or and you should use the search engines to find a selection of dating websites where you consider you are most likely to find your ideal date.

10 Good Reasons for Sugar Daddy Dating

A growing percentage of females openly admit to prefering the company of an older guy on a date, rather than same age or younger. The present day Sugar Daddy is a far cry from his 20th Century counterpart, who would be more inclined to keep such a relationship totally private, enjoying clandestine meetings at secretive venues. Today, an older guy will display his younger partner openly, publicly and with pride.

Here are ten good reasons why sugar daddy dating is becoming more and more popular within the online dating arena. The comparisons are based on age difference relationships with long term in mind.

1./ Generally speaking,  a female will feel safer in the company of a more mature sugar daddy type date, especially on first meeting. He is more inclined to suggest coffee or dinner in a crowded venue as a first meeting place, or be quite happy for her to suggest a locale where she would feel comfortable. Her ease-of-mind, during that first date in particular, will be high on his agenda.

10 Golden Rules For Successful Online Dating

As everyone knows, the favourite method of mating and dating for singletons the world over is to join an online dating site. But what most people don't realise is that only around 10% of dating site members actually meet a long-term partner on their chosen site and a whopping 70% don't even receive one message from another member. If you follow the 10 simple steps outlined below, you too can join the 10% who find love and romance on line.

1. Choose the right site. The boom in online dating has provided a plethora of choice for consumers but you should take a few moments to decide on the type of partner you're looking for, not to mention the town or city where you would prefer him/her to be located. There are niche sites which cater to all sectors (single parents, bikers, gay people etc) and general sites which welcome all comers just as there are city or country specific sites and sites with a global perspective. Choosing the right site for you is probably the most important decision you'll make when looking for a partner on line.

How to Flirt Effectively

Men and women flirt differently, for different reasons and expect different outcomes to the flirting. However, if you put aside that outcome and flirt just to be friendly you are opening yourself to different opportunities. You may well end up with a new lover but if that doesn’t work out you could meet someone who becomes a good friend and who knows who she might introduce you to. Keep your options open.

After you have exchanged glances and smiles across a room and you are fairly confident that SHE thinks that she might like to get to know you better, send a drink to her. But remember that ALL you are buying is a drink. Don’t expect her to fall at your feet. Sometimes it is nice just to send someone a drink, watch when she receives it and smile, then look away – look back again later to show your interest.

10 Dating Safety Tips For Online And Off

Still looking for a special someone? Just be sure to keep yourself safe. Here are ten ways to find love for your heart but keep your personal protection on your mind.

1. Watch out for someone who seems too good to be true. Begin by communicating solely by email, then look for odd behavior or inconsistencies. The person at the other end may not be who or what he says he is. Trust your instincts. If anything makes you uncomfortable, walk away for your safety and protection.

2. Make sure all contact on a member site takes place through a double-blind system, ensuring your true identity is protected until you decide to reveal it. Never include your last name, home address, phone number, place of employment, email address or any other identifying information in your profile or initial messages. When corresponding with someone, turn off your email signature file. Stop communicating with anyone who puts pressure on you for personal information or attempts in any way to trick you into revealing it.

UK Sex Dating! Spicing up Your Sex Life

The UK's population has surpassed 60 million. About 600,000 people have come to work in the UK from the new EU nations between 2004 and 2006. The whole concept of love and sex has changed over the years. Psychology depicts love and sex as a cognitive and social phenomenon comprised of three different components: intimacy, commitment and passion.

Having sex is obviously the natural and desired physical manifestation of attraction. But it sounds like even though you enjoy the sex, most want something more from a dating relationship - including honest and meaningful communication, vacations together, date nights, time together with friends, etc.

UK Dating Statistics Reveals Positive Results for the Dating Industry

You would be surprised to know that the present society is witnessing more numbers of divorces than marriages. Here follows the top ten results of divorce percentages by country:

1.    Belarus - 68%
2.    Russian Federation – 65%
3.    Sweden – 64%
4.    Latvia – 63%
5.    Ukraine – 63%
6.    Czech Republic – 61%
7.    Belgium – 56%
8.    Finland – 56%
9.    Lithuania – 55%
10.    United Kingdom – 53%

"Tools" For Picking-Up Girls

We all know that approaching woman isn't easy. It can be  embarrassing and downright difficult. But, if you know what you are doing and have faith in your own forces you can get the one you like.

Impressing a woman is not an easy task, especially if you don’t have a lot of experience with females. There are many components that go into impressing a woman.

If you want to learn how to impress a girl, then you should do your best to be positive. Keep in mind that smiles and jokes are great bonding mechanisms that you can use to impress a girl.

"Seduction Techniques" - Are They For Losers?

Imagine that you are already in your college days and still you can’t find a date. Or even asking someone for a date is a misery for you. In short, you find it hard to approach women and lacks confidence in yourself.

Seduction techniques in this new millennium are on the rise. Seduction techniques can greatly help guys who find it hard to get the women they always wanted. So it is never a problem now. Seduction as thought by many is not wrong. You are just simply studying the best techniques that will make dating and picking up easier. Seduction techniques in the other hand are simply getting to know and basically mastering the proper ways of attracting women.

Research for UK Adult Dating Web Sites in Four major Search Engines

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Personals Lava is Buzzing with Activity on its Various Communities

The Internet has given romance a new universe to operate within and personals lava seems to be the hottest galaxy around. is hot like molten lava, and its online communities are buzzing with activity. We make life fun for singles with our huge database of members cutting across geographical boundaries - it will be hard to manage all your dates!

Online Dating!

Spruce up your appearance ladies and take grooming very, very seriously. For, where a man is concerned, nothing has changed so far as his dating instincts go. It’s just that technology is serving as a medium to couple up people made for each other. Online dating is the new buzz for all mate seekers. Who knows you meet the love of your life chatting for no reason. Online dating is a modern system which allows individuals to meet online and share their heart stories to develop a nice friendly relationship. It is a boon for those who are introvert and seems a bit scared at times. Internet gives you all chances to share your feelings with an unknown and when you find the person compatible, you may go and meet him/her. All you need to do is inviting him/her to meet or after few chats you may opt for talking on phones followed by a couple of meetings.

Make the Most of Adult Online Dating

Adult online dating sites are formed based on a simple concept - to create a site for adults to connect.  Adult online dating services are available for those who are looking for intimate encounters, and enable people to meet others with similar interests and needs.  Whether you are looking for a friend, lover, sex partner, intimate encounter, one night stand, group activities or just someone to chat with, adult online dating is the place to meet all types of people from across the globe.

Most of the well-known adult online dating services allow you to join for free and have limited use of their site. You can create a free profile, upload some pictures, browse other member profiles, and sometimes even view the details of your favorite members.  But unless you whip out the ol' credit card and upgrade your membership, your freedom and options are severely restricted.  Generally with a free account, you can receive messages but will be prohibited from contacting any other members - and since the purpose of joining an adult online dating site is to initiate contact, these restrictions force most people to upgrade.  There is, however, one loophole within this paid dating service that allows you to avoid member fees, and the secret lies in creating a truly award-winning profile and attracting the paying members to contact you!

Experience the Thrill of a Lifetime with Free Gay Dating Sites

All gay people are welcome to explore the free gay dating sites irrespective of sex. If you are gay and looking for your dream partner, a permanent relationship or even one night stands, an ideal place for you may be a free gay dating site.

Free gay dating sites bring many people to a virtual place where men and women get to know each other in a new and a unique way. The revolutionary technology of the web has paved the way for new relationships between individuals - be it love at first site, love at first chat, short-term dating or a brief sexual encounter. Some free gay dating sites have provisions for premium services, such as increased space for photos and multimedia, but you must pay for these. Decide how serious you are about finding someone, and then dive in.

Do You Know the Pros and Cons of Adult Online Dating?

Adult online dating services are a specialized niche in online dating, offering a number of similar features such as full searching capabilities and a large number of subscribers.  Completely anonymous and secure, adult online dating services feature erotic personals, where one can view sexy photos of other members.  Simply register and immediately contact any member via instant messaging, plus you can search or apply filters that allow you to narrow down the members that suit your specific needs and desires.  Many adult online dating services allow all members to add a profile to the site, chat, send instant messages, and browse through their huge database of profiles for free. Guests may enter the site and browse around, but in order to post a listing or use all of the site features you must register as a member.

Are You Interested in Alternative Dating?

The great thing about dating in this day and age is the versatility and availability of methods to seek out your preferred type of person or activity. Dating can be confusing and frustrating, no matter what your situation. Here are some alternative dating ideas that may appeal to people who don't want to go down the traditional route of seeking a mate.

Singles bars have been around for a long time, and though they may not appeal to everyone they are ideal because everyone has the same goal in mind.  You're all in the same boat, and it may not be subtle but it certainly is straightforward. 

7 Clues That Your Partner Is Cheating On You

Cheating is the worst form of destruction to your relationship or marriage; it is already considered a betrayal of the vows they took when they got married. The discovery of the act of cheating by the other half can either break the marriage or make it stronger depending on the strength of their love for one another.

Cheating generally means that you are not fully satisfied with your current partner or you feel that something is missing in the relationship. If you were completely in love and happy within your relationship, why it might happen that your partner have an affair?

Trust is a big reason, not of your partner, but yourself. Probably for some time you have sensed something is different or questioned the change of behavior in your partner.

6 Ways To Get Your Ex-Back In 3 Days

We make relationships to enjoy life. Even it perhaps a lot of sacrifices to keep a relationship and to make it work, many of us prefer to make these sacrifices just to have near the person we love and like to spend time with.

Sometimes it happens that a relationship ends even that there is still love between the partners. This happens when one of the partners makes some regular mistakes and has a bad behavior towards the other. But usually the one who is guilty for ending the relationship are men who  figures out too late how much it cares about the other and wants to change only after lose her.

There is nothing worst that being dumped by the one you love and believed was "the one". Trying to get a woman back in to your life is difficult. If you lost your true love because of you and really want to get her back, don't desperate. Your situation is not necessarily hopeless.

5 Ways To Keep Romance Alive – On A Budget

Just about everyone agrees that a nice dinner and a good bottle of wine at a quiet, intimate restaurant will set the mood for romance, but have you seen the price tag? Not everyone can afford to spend big money on romance ever time, but a bit of creativity can get the same results without breaking the bank.

While most people know about ‘his and hers’ items like bathrobes and towels, there are a number of other items that can be enjoyed together as ‘couples’ items.  Try getting matching T-shirts with cute sayings on them.  Have matching his and hers overnight bags, coffee mugs, bicycles, cell phones, cars, holiday ornaments, tennis rackets, rocking chairs and even matching carved pumpkins on Halloween.

Surprise your partner by making the ordinary a little more special. If he or she is enjoying a good book, remove the bookmark and replace it with a note that says, “I bet you’ll never guess where I’ve hidden your bookmark.” If they always turn the TV on when they come home from work, tape a note on the television that says, “Wouldn’t you rather turn me on?” instead. 

5 Tips To Make Her Respect You

Respect is one of the basic human values. As it applies to people, is defined as an attitude of admiration or esteem for a person. This feeling is generally a result of a person's achievements. While all people deserve respect, not many of they receive this.

Everyone wants to be respected by others but not all of them get it. It’s important to first define who a respectable person is before giving respect to him.

First of all you have to keep in mind that in order to demand respect, you will have to treat others with equal amount of respect.

‘Respect’ is just a word, but what it means and what it distinguishes for us can make all the difference in how we observe ourselves and others — as well as how we relate to future possibilities and choices.

5 Secret Ways to Show Your Love to Your Partner

There are many ways to express love to your partner other than quoting the actual words "I Love You." Usually the fire in relationships dies down after a while and the feeling of your heart pounding with the excitement of being with your significant other is not felt nearly as often, or even at all.

So, how do we get back that love, passion and warm feeling that wraps around us and penetrate our thoughts in the beginning of a relationship?

Many say actions speak louder than words so below I have listed 5 secrets of seduction to help you show your partner how much you truly love them:

5 Relationship Killers and How to Avoid Them

As a relationship counselor, I am constantly being asked why so many relationships fail. In the 37 years that I have worked with couples, I have discovered five major relationship killers:


Most people enter a relationship with a deep fear of rejection, and this fear motivates various forms of controlling behavior. Controlling behavior falls into two major categories – overt control and covert control.

Overt control includes many forms of attack, such as blaming anger, rage, violence, judgment, criticism and ridicule.

Covert control includes compliance, enabling, withdrawal, defending, explaining, lying and denying. Often a person at the other end of attack will respond with some form of covert control in an attempt to have control over not being attacked.

5 Irresistible Ways To Make Women Fall For You

"I don't get it!..."

"I've a nice car. I'm accomplished. My A-List CV make the next guy look funky. I even wear the latest Armani! Why doesn't she flip for me? Why am I always alone??"


How many times did you pound the dashboard of your Corvette bewailing this persistent question?

The avenue to Romance is littered with roadkill hearts and unrequited love.If you think you're unique in your loneliness, think again. There is enough dashboard pounding out there to start a global orchestra of dire distress.

But don't despair. Before you spin out of control, deploy the airbags fast. These strategic maneuvers should cruise you back on track:

5 Important Details Developing Rapport

Let us take a peak at the basics of developing rapport with others.

In a nutshell, what it takes is to ask questions, have a positive, open attitude, encourage an open exchange of communications (both verbal and unspoken), listen to verbal and unspoken communications and share positive feedback.

Here are important details on each step:

4 Rules To Transform A Long Distance Love On The Internet Into A Normal Relationship

Let's suppose that you are meeting someone online and that person seem to be the match of your life, but is living far away from you. Does it worth to spend your time in a long distance relationship with this person?

What if this person is really your soul mate?

You may be surprised how much a relationship can grow if you work at it. If you know and apply some simple rules, your relationship can turn out to be one of the most successful and happy relationships that ever existed.

Distance, combined with phone calls and writing, electronically or through regular mail, can foster an enviable intimacy which results from learning about another's qualities, values and ways of thinking, sensitivities, dreams, and aspirations. This type of intimacy can make your coming together much more special.

17 Seduction Tips

Seduction is the most exciting thing in a relationship. It isn't bad or wrong, it's absolutely necessarily. The power of seduction is a gift. But not all of us have it, so we have to learn how to seduce the woman we want. Seduction can mean a couple of different things: it is a method that lets men have more success with women on a regular, repeatable basis and also it is a process   by which one person leads another to the beginning of a sexual relationship.

Choose very well your target. Maybe it is there a beautiful sexy lady after you look anytime you see her on the street, but you never think that you will have a chance with her. Why don't you try to seduce her, maybe you'll win. But before you start, you must know that there are a few steps in seducing a woman:

13 Magical Things to do in a Relationship

When you know that you have found the perfect woman for you, make sure that she feels the same about you. You are crazy about her and want to make her feel happy with you, that's why you are ready to make all the sacrifices to impress her, to show her how much you care about her, or to not permit that routine to come into your relationship.

With all this sacrifices to show her your feelings, to keep your relationship as cool as it was at the beginning, you feel that you have to make something more interesting. That's why you should induce “magic “into your relationship even if you are hopeless romantic or not.  To add more intimacy, love, understanding and compassion in any relationship is always welcome.

So, here are some magical things to do in order to impress your partner in a good way and increase your relationship:

13 Love Killer Phrases

To be in loved with a girl and start a relationship is a wonderful thing. Long term relationships are usually based on love, trust and honesty. Even if honesty is very important in a relationship, sometimes may be hurtful. There are some things that can't be told to the partner because it may hurt her, or make her change the opinion about you. For example, some bad things you've done in the past, a truth about her that will make her feel bad if you tell her, and so on.

Even if you love her very much and you are getting pretty close, these things that can affect your relationship should be kept in secret. Sometimes you can best show her your love by keeping your mouth shout. So, before you start to be too confident and directly with her, you should take a look at these things that may destroy your relationship.

10 Top Relationship Tips

What's the key to a successful relationship? Some might think that's the million dollar question. Sometimes it's just the simple things, that we easily forget or think are unimportant that  hold the key to a healthy and happy relationship. Read through the helpful tips below on how to make your relationship go the distance.

10 Tips For Loving In The Fast Lane

Do you ever feel like you catch up with your partner infrequently, often late at night when you’re too tired to speak?  Or when your timetables happen to collide?  There are work dinners, school outings, sporting practice, dinners with friends, homework to supervise, household chores and so the list goes on.  Do you feel like you need to make a date night just to spend some one on one time with your other half?  Time when you’re not sleeping? 

If this sounds like you then I’m sure you will enjoy these tips for keeping each other close at heart, even if you can’t always be as physically close as you’d like.  

10 Reasons Why SOME eRelationships don’t Work

You are single, bored and you just have nothing to do. It is another miserable day like the day before. You need someone to talk to and you are turning on the computer, browsing some... dating sites. There are so many people... singles, like you are.

What should you ask from them? Can they change your life for better?

The answer to the last question is up to you. Would you let a person you have met online to change your life? Are you willing to do this?  Do you trust someone you have met this way?

SOME people simply do not have the courage to let an online relationship to develop and change in a normal healthy relationship. Are you one of them?

10 Perfect Places to Meet Women

In our days, in this big world, there are a lot of single people who spend their life alone. There are a lot of wonderful ladies out there just waiting to meet the man of their dreams, hoping that someday this will appear.  Also, many single men would like to meet their special one, but the only problem is that they don't know very well where to find the woman they want.

Learn to meet new people. In this fast paced world, too many people out there are lonely. Change your attitude and get out there and make new friends.

So, if you want to meet someone new, you should start by spending your time in the places most visited by women, the best places to meet them.

10 Common Lies Told by Women

Why are some relationships more honest than others? Why are some couples more truthful with each other while others like to deceive the partner? Nobody deserves to be lied, but there are no doubts that women are telling lies considerably and often. But so men do the same.

If you have trust issues in your relationship, in general, a woman may lie to you. Trust is something that you must build from the beginning of the relationship. Even though, a lot of people say ‘‘white lies'' in order to make others feel better. Some women lie because, as caring creatures they want to spare the feelings of the man they are dating or seeing.

So, here are some common lies told by women that you should know. Someday you might hear them from your partner and it is better to know their real meaning.

10 Best Valentines Gifts to Give

World over in February young couples celebrate Valentines Day with laughter and promises of undying love. The celebration knows no barriers and whether 4 or 80 years old,  people with hope treasure the phrase “Will you be my Valentine.”

Mid- Feb heralded in ancient Rome, the coming of spring and even in pre-Christian times people celebrated a “fertility” festival with great joy. Much later the festival celebrated on Feb 14th was in honor of St. Valentine who is believed to have signed a letter to his beloved on his death bed as “from your Valentine.”

Red hearts, beautifully wrapped chocolates, balloon bouquets, and so on flood the markets and most young men are in a quandary as to what will make a “memorable gift.”

You are killing US with YOUR jealousy

So far I have enlightened the world with my thoughts on jealousy and self-esteem. I want to clear up any misunderstandings that may have some male people thinking that I am targeting only women here. Jealousy and self-esteem issues also can imprison  men as well as women. No one is excused from real human emotions. Emotions know no face, color, size or gender. There are two victims here, not just one.

  I also feel that I have neglected to reveal how the other party involved in a relationship that suffers from jealousy or self-esteem issues also suffers.

 A relationship is a partnership. It is a commitment made between two people, in that we will stand by each other through thick and thin. Unfortunately, when it is a jealousy issue, both parties are effected. We tend to focus on the person that is trapped in the prison of worry, more than the other person that is caught in the line of fire, partly because we need to free that side first, then we can help heal the other.

Well I am now going to share that persons prison of hell as well.

"What Does Love Mean?" See How 4-8 Year-Old Kids Describe Love

A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds: "What does love mean?"

The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think...

The Challenges of Being an Expat Spouse

What Unique Opportunities Exist Here?

What are the challenges you are facing as an expat spouse?
Do you see yourself here by circumstance or has this move been your choice?
Is this a unique opportunity or something you are tolerating until your spouse’s contract is over and you can go home?

It is important to realize that the experience you have is your experience and that it may differ from your spouse’s. You may love the place; they may not. Or it may be the other way around. Many people manage the move and then, after the initial glow of living overseas has worn off, one partner becomes unhappy. Often it is the trailing spouse, the one who is following his/her partner to this new location…you!

Sex & Subliminal Messages

Sheng He, a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of Minnesota, and his colleagues conducted a study using subliminal images. They recruited volunteers from different sexual orientations and gathered together 10 members of each of the following groups: Heterosexual men, heterosexual women, homosexual men and homosexual women. Each group then viewed specially constructed images that were pointed directly at the left and right eye separately.

They used an image called a Gabor patch, named after the mathematician who created it to test our ability to determine spatial frequency and visual space. Sheng He explained that normally your two eyes look at the same image and therefore don’t have any conflict, but by using a Gabor Patch he could create a situation where the two eyes were looking at two different images. Now, when one eye is presented with an image that has high contrast and the other is static we will only see and be aware of the dynamic image. The other image goes undetected.